Away-ink: Is held

05 DEC 2023

A day has passed by. What is the setting of the panels that have been broken out to be read? Will there be a question for the next page? Is there a learning step before the next page? With a day before the step back, it couldn’t be just that. Then, aging the week has been a twist.

Away forward ink the path

A wonder of how p4

A wonder of how p4

Why is the trust a shock?

Well, Mitchel was met a bit ago, and maybe three. Conversations total that would seem small. So, a wondering about the box cause the research for the shoe was the biggest thing.

Why is that?

The shoe was the project SII was helping research get off the ground.


A place p6

a place p6

La Tinta

A trick before going p6

a trick before going p6

Well, the couch is a wealthy life, and good luck. The daydream. Was to the ongoing’s yesterday.

What if the meaning is to be more observant instead of that?

Can snacks be delivered soon?

Empty the room, and yes.

Amongst the frames

Carrots, Where?

Carrots where?

The adventure may have a runner.

Are carrots nearby?

Oh, what fun is that way?


The clone did it

Told to work p6

told to work p6

Is there a reason these were taken?

Blood Shoot and Wise Man requested it. To have those pieces of art in the report.

That leaves the fan to talk. So, The report is a go…s As long as these are in.

Thanks for the time and read. The arranged order is expected in the last few pieces of the puzzles. And allow the mind to feel at ease during the week of recapping all of September. That started with Used Or Not. It was fun to return to a week with a twisted format. And that twisting can be enjoyed by using the previous and next links below. Follow the site for more comics. And as always grateful for the support of the work.


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