Learning the comic 63rd

The three-panel tour is back to “La Tinta” and with the information drop of the last learning the comic it is still the focus to see how to build thing in a better way. The parts being moved about or a hard look at each titled ran. What can be decided in this version of the comic strip as a block to build on. The Titled of “Late to the party” was a piece of a show leaving answer to the last comic of couch. The titled post is “The timeline is?” and that was placed in the excerpt as the catching line. But what an odd choice of words to use. As this is the second comic strip of six on a page. That thinking will build with “La Tinta” and become a part of the other three-panels and build a more well-rounded world for each title of Away-ink. Granted it takes till September to figure out the thinking of the used tag funny page to do a funny page. With the titles and all started with…

The guide of the webcomic.

That is why the reviewing of the work is a key part of thinking To-Boga. When you step back and look at the overall work the thinking needs to be placed in to how does it help build more and the mistake are the step what else to build in the work. Outside of that it is time to enjoy a tour of three-panels.

The first panel is a Hmmm and a look of displeasure on the face at what the TV has to offer, but not an enough to say bad and off to bed. It hangs on by a square. The square is barely in frame and shading blends it to the corner of the panel.

And this leads to the next panel of the five a blank bit of page pushes the figures in the front out and making them a stan out to the panel. The values of the pen are graded. A light lined building is in the background of the panel. Giving a trick of movement to the figures. A set of dark lined figures of a ram and bull butting heads, while an onlooker is watching. The line flows together to the next panel of a piece of the building, pushing the eye to the right in the flow of lines where a dizzy-headed ram walks beside the bull after the collision. Enough detail is there for the rest of the panel. But it gets a glance before the huff leads down the part of the tour.

A question hangs in the air of a construction site across the street. A work is getting dressed for shift. As the jacket is put on. The construction of an inverted neck gives a mystery and adds defined features to the face. That are commanding to look at. The blankness of the rest of the panel leads the eye to the end of the panel. Where the TV panels give way for the returns the viewer.

In the house panel the two sitting down to watch the excuse play out. On a lumpy couch that pushes into a squeezed in panel, for the ending line of the comic strip. The heads are falling out of view and the words of the comic getting to stay are in the empty space of the panel.

The tour comes to a end with the first piece of a pushed to the side work of “Late to the party” it be the formatting of the timeline for “La Tinta” that allows it to be a title in the future of the work for now it is build a new comic strip the origins are little in place for these title. Defined as a mass medium, cannot be said to have existed before the invention of printing. In the early period there were two principal forms: a series of small images printed on a single piece of paper (narrative strip proper) and a series composed of several sheets of paper, with one image per page, which when displayed on the wall of a house formed a narrative frieze or picture story. So the Pages a transported in a new way but the panels playout all the same.

A heavier reading for comic strip history.

The guide of the webcomic.

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