Away-Ink: A charged ride

11 APR 2024

La Tinta

Finding the tunnels p1

Finding the tunnels p1

Antti: Back to the zebra case. Leads nowhere.

Is that Antti over there?

Oh, it’s the current version, Lage, but wasn’t the case ended on the board.

If the unknown leads to being further in. What would the known do?

Now, to know the nose.

No to know the nose.

There is a need to know the nose.

No nose.

Away forward ink the path

A view has changed p1

A view has changed p1

Cohen: There seems to be an oddness to this one, but when redefining the piece, what will it lose in the building?


The clone did it

Okay, then? p1

Okay, then? p1

Ted: How is the morning shaping up?

Phil: This morning’s walk allowed… a calling out to the mind that gives chills. The shoes were gentle, and the sound was like a horse trotting along…


A charged ride p1

A charged ride p1

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Away-Ink: La Tinta, Away forward ink the path, The clone did it, And Puzzlement
Away-Ink: La Tinta, Away forward ink the path, The clone did it, And Puzzlement
Away-Ink: La Tinta, Away forward ink the path, The clone did it, And Puzzlement

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  1. 😳